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Modul-System lancerer elektrisk varmeenhed til erhvervskøretøjer


Det, der adskiller e-Heater fra andre varmeenheder, er den sømløse integration med Modul-Systems banebrydende teknologier, Modul-Connect®. Når e-Heater er tilsluttet Modul-Connect®, kan den nemt styres via appen, så brugerne kan tænde den hvor som helst takket være dens cloud-baserede funktionalitet. Det sikrer, at din varevogn er varm og indbydende, allerede før du sætter dig ind i den.






Modul-System præsenterer sikkerhedssystem til erhvervskøretøjer


Modul-System-sikkerhedsløsningen i Modul-Connect-systemet er med til at forhindre tyveri og uautoriseret adgang. Med bevægelsessensorer registreres enhver bevægelse i køretøjet, mens dør-/kontaktsensorer registrerer, når en dør eller et skab uventet åbnes. Det giver mulighed for hurtigt at reagere på uautoriseret adgang. Asset Trackers muliggør sporing af værktøj og udstyr i realtid, så den ansvarlige leder og brugerne løbende kan overvåge udstyret.





Modul-System revolutionerer vedligeholdelsen af din vognpark med sit brugervenlige Modul-Connect-system


Modul-System, en af verdens førende producenter af varevognsindretning og udstyr til erhvervskøretøjer, har lanceret en ny funktion i sit Modul-Connect-system: en vedligeholdelses-app, der er specialudviklet til at strømline vedligeholdelsen på tværs af hele vognparken. Den nye app hjælper med at vedligeholde værktøj og udstyr, uanset om det befinder sig i et køretøj, på et værksted eller på en arbejdsstation på arbejdsstedet.



Modul-System introducerer Bluetooth Asset Tracker til at beskytte værdifuldt udstyr


Modul-System, en førende leverandør af bilindretning og udstyr til erhvervskøretøjer, glæder sig over at kunne annoncere lanceringen af sin seneste innovation – Bluetooth Asset Tracker. De lette og holdbare trackere er designet til at hjælpe virksomheder og fagfolk med at forhindre tab eller tyveri af deres mest værdifulde genstande. Ud over at kunne spore genstande i realtid, kan disses regelmæssige vedligeholdelsesplaner indstilles, og advarsler kan modtages via kundeportalen. Værktøj, som ikke er udstyret med en tracker, kan dog også bruge denne funktion, således at der oprettes en fortegnelse over alt værdifuldt udstyr samt kommende inspektioner.



Optimer din flåde med Modul-Connect Pro’s unikke moduler som er tilknyttet kundeportalen.


Modul-Connect Pro er en modulær platform, der er skræddersyet til optimering af bilparker i diverse områder. Flådemanageren kan følge bilernes bevægelse i realtid på et kort via brugerportalen. Kortet viser køretøjets ruter, overvægten eller hvis batteriet er ved at løbe tør. For at lette det administrative arbejde kan du via Modul-Connect PRO modtage automatisk genererede kørselslogfiler og betalingsrapporter for hver chauffør, der nemt kan tilgås fra telefonen eller kundeportalen.



Kontroller jeres Eberspächer varmer med Modul-Connect


Modul-System´s Modul-Connect app understøtter nu styring af Eberspächer varmere. Dette projekt er et samarbejde, hvor Modul-System’s innovative samt robuste platform og Ebersächer´s verdensførende teknologi er blevet kombineret så det er blevet nemmere end nogen sinde at styre din varmer.




Modul-Connect PRO - Administrer din vognpark


Modul-Connect PRO vækker bilparker til live. En effektiv kontrolboks i alle køretøjer giver værdiskabende funktionalitet, der giver både fører og supportteams adgang til data i realtid. Smartphonen revolutionerede den måde, folk holder forbindelsen til hinanden på. Nu er Modul-Connect PRO på vej til at give den samme frihed inden for styring af vognparken.




Complete lightweight solutions for parcel delivery vans


Modul-System offers new and innovative solutions for businesses in the parcel delivery service industry. The vehicle conversion can include flooring and lining, shelving, a bulkhead with sliding door and jump seat, lighting and an overload protection system.



Innovative Ultra Lightweight Workbench Developed


Modul-System’s lightweight journey started in 2004, but is far from finished. Every kilo that can be saved on racking means an additional kilo for tools and other equipment in the vehicle.



Modul-System goes wireless


Wireless switches and the capability to manage the electrical accessories with a smartphone or tablet are some of the features in Modul-System’s new wiring system.



Complete lightweight solutions for parcel delivery vans


Modul-System expands their product range to deliver a complete solution for businesses in the parcel delivery service industry. A vehicle conversion can include flooring, lining, shelving, a bulkhead with sliding door and now a certified jump seat for the cabin area.



Multi-Box – The ‘Smart’ Multi-Purpose Tool Box


The Multi-Box is a robust and ergonomic tool and storage box. It comes with smart accessories, and is easy to transport and take to any place of work.



Totally Integrated Roof System


Modul-System is launching their own system for roof mounted accessories. The assortment includes roof bars, a pipe carrier and accessories.



Lifco acquires Norwegian operation for interiors for service vehicles


Lifco has signed an agreement to acquire Toolpack AS’s operation for interiors for service vehicles. After the acquisition, Modul-System is the leading supplier of interiors for vehicles in Norway.



Lightweight base frame in heavy duty design


Modul-System’s new extendable base frame is designed for heavy equipment. The robust platform will handle loads up to 250 kg.



Modul-System launch a new lighting range


Modul-System has developed a new range of exterior lights designed for vans and service vehicles. The new premium LED lighting range includes light bars, warning lights and strobe lights.



Modul-Floor – where everything clicks


Modul-System is revolutionizing the product area flooring, lining and installation, introducing a robust and lightweight system for quick, safe and non-intrusive installation in service vehicles.



Folding shelves for the delivery industry


Modul-System is introducing a range of folding shelves for the parcel delivery service industry. The shelves are lightweight with high load capacity.



Modul-Connect – vehicle electrics made simple


The days of complicated electrical installations in service vans are over. With Modul-Connect, multiple products can be powered and switched along a single cable simultaneously.



Increased efficiency with Modul-Fleet


Modul-System is introducing a new fleet management system, Modul-Fleet, which can assist in increasing the company's efficiency and profitability.



New folding vice platforms in robust design


Modul-System has recently introduced two new folding vice platforms, one that is mounted directly on the racking kit, and one that is bolted to the floor.



Introducing a new internal ladder holder


Modul-System is introducing an internal ladder holder for service vehicles. It is adjustable in length and height to fit different van models and ladders.



High-quality power inverters


Modul-System is focusing more and more on vehicle electrics, and are now offering their own high-quality power inverters.



Introducing new lightweight drawer units


Modul-System is continually working to reduce the weight of our van racking systems. We are now launching significantly lighter drawer units.



New modular lighting range from Modul-System 


Modul-System is introducing a new, innovative lighting range, especially designed for light commercial vehicles.



Carlsberg Sweden first with Modul-System's new lightweight products

Carlsberg Sweden was one of the first companies to use Modul-System’s new lightweight van racking solution, and appreciates the weight reduction as well as the system’s functionality and robustness.



Modul-System starts licensing solution to Sortimo


Modul-System will start to license their string-activated locking mechanism for drawers to Sortimo. The parties have reached a settlement in relation to an application of summons that Modul-System filed last summer regarding infringement of one of the company’s utility model registrations.



Modul-System takes legal action against Sortimo


Modul-System has filed an application of summons against Sortimo, claiming that the string-activated locking mechanisms as, for example, used in Sortimo’s drawer system “Globelyst M”, infringes one of Modul-System’s utility model registrations in Germany.



Lowered weight with ultra-high strength steel


Modul-System is introducing ultra-high strength steel into their vehicle racking systems. By doing so, they are able to reduce the weight further but still retain the system's strength and load capacity.



Acquisition of MoPlan


Modul-System Netherlands will acquire MoPlan Vehicle Equipment in Maassluis on 1 June 2012. This acquisition is in line with the vision of Modul-System to create a European network of Service Centers.  

